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by Maria Clara Escobar

Premiere Type: National (Greek)

Language: Portuguese

Subtitles: Greek, English 

Production type: Feature film

Script: Maria Clara Escobar

Sound: Tales Manfrinato

Editing: Patrícia Saramago

Cast: Carla Kinzo, Otto Jr., Rômulo Braga, David Lobo

Production: Terratreme Filmes, Filmes de Abril (BR), Frutacine (AR)


Bios Rooftop | 30/06/2022 | 21:00
Electra | 16/07/2022 | 21:00


The film follows  the life of Brazilian couple Laura and Israël, who are in their mid-thirties and have a five-year-old son, Lucas. They live together, but seem to have lost interest in one another's thoughts and cares. Their relationship seems headed for the rocks, and the only one who seems to still be looking for something from life is Lucas. Laura feels the warning signs of impending catastrophe. Then she disappears, and some time later Israël learns that Laura is dead and her body is in Argentina. He doesn't tell anyone – not even their son. As they were not married and have no savings, Israël faces the practical problems of bringing Laura's body home. 

Η ταινία ακολουθεί τη ζωή ενός ζευγαριού από την Βραζιλία, της Λόρα και του Ισραήλ. Είναι γύρω στα τριάντα κι έχουν έναν πεντάχρονο γιο, τον Λούκας. Ζουν μαζί, αλλά φαίνεται να έχουν χάσει το ενδιαφέρον τους ο ένας για τον άλλον. Η σχέση τους μοιάζει να οδεύει προς τα βράχια κι ο μόνος που φαίνεται να ψάχνει ακόμα κάτι από τη ζωή είναι ο Λούκας. Η Λόρα αρχίζει να αισθάνεται τα προειδοποιητικά σημάδια μιας επικείμενης καταστροφής και στη συνέχεια εξαφανίζεται. Όταν ο Ισραήλ μαθαίνει ότι η Λόα είναι νεκρή και το σώμα της βρίσκεται στην Αργεντινή, δεν το λέει σε κανέναν – ούτε καν στον γιο τους. Καθώς δεν παντρεύτηκαν ποτέ και δεν έχουν χρήματα στην άκρη, ο Ισραήλ έρχεται αντιμέτωπος με την πρόκληση να φέρει το σώμα της Λόρα στο σπίτι. 

O filme segue a vida do casal brasileiro Laura e Israël, que estão na casa dos trinta e poucos anos e têm um filho de cinco anos, Lucas. Vivem juntos, mas parecem ter perdido o interesse nos pensamentos e cuidados um do outro. A sua relação parece ir em direcção às rochas, e o único que parece ainda estar à procura de algo da vida é Lucas. Laura sente os sinais de alerta de uma catástrofe iminente. Depois ela desaparece, e algum tempo depois Israël descobre que Laura está morta e que o seu corpo está na Argentina. Não conta a ninguém - nem mesmo ao seu filho. Como não eram casados e não têm poupanças, Israël enfrenta os problemas práticos de trazer o corpo de Laura para casa. 

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